How To Upgrade Your Home Office With Smart Tech

Your home office may not be going away even when the pandemic comes to an end. A recent study from Stanford University found that 42% of the U.S. labor force is now working from home full-time. Many people have found that fitting out a home office is a lot

How To Create the Best Work From Home Playlist

Work from home (WFH) is now a reality for so many of us. Being your own office manager, IT support and custodial staff is exhausting. (Who left their dirty mug by the sink? Oh, right.)If you’re looking for something to pull you out of a home office funk, you

Alexa Games and Skills for Kids and Families

Kids will be kids. That's why "I'm bored" will continue to be a popular refrain forever and ever. You're always on a quest to solve it. Actually, this is an easy one. And you probably have it in your home already. In fact, a recent survey from Voicebot Research

What’s the Best Smart Home Hub for You?

Trying to make your home smarter? You’re not alone. According to TechCrunch, millions of consumers are turning to devices like Wi-Fi-connected thermostats and speakers to make life more efficient. And all that connectivity is controlled with a tiny yet mighty smart home hub. If you haven’t yet decided if a

Which Smart Speaker Is Right for You?

Anyone who listens to music, audiobooks, or podcasts around the house should have a speaker that captures the quality of their audio. And it's even better if that speaker also comes with smart capabilities, like a voice-controlled assistant that can create lists, edit your calendar, and send messages without

colorful fruits and vegetables laid out on a pink background in a kitchen

Get Your Own Cooking Assistant With Alexa in the Kitchen

Maybe you love cooking. Maybe you dread it. In any case, having Alexa in the kitchen can make it easier — or at least more tolerable. It's rare to hear someone say "your wish is my command," and actually mean it, and that's why virtual assistants like Amazon's Alexa seem simple