5 Family-Friendly Role-Playing Games To Play Online

Ready to get the family together even if you’re many miles apart? Lots of online games are out there at many levels, even for people who've never heard of Twitch. You don’t have to have killer hand-eye coordination to play role-playing or survival games. You just need to be

How To Get Started With Online Multiplayer Games

Over the last few years, online gaming has gone fully mainstream. Games like Fortnite are cultural juggernauts, top e-sport (that’s the professionally competitive side of gaming) prizes are in the tens of millions of dollars and more people play than ever before. If you’re looking to join the ranks,

2020 Gift Guide: Which Game Console Should You Buy this Holiday?

In a year of exciting releases from some of the biggest names in video games, why not consider a state-of-the-art console? There’s a system to suit almost every age and interest. The Mario fanatic has Nintendo consoles, open-world explorers have systems from Microsoft's Xbox to Sony's PlayStation. And, whether