When is Fiber Coming to My Neighborhood?

From more bandwidth to smoother video calls to higher speeds supporting multiple devices in the home, you’ve heard that fiber can make a big difference in the way you experience the internet.Trouble is, it’s not in your neighborhood yet, and you aren’t sure when it’s coming.So how do you

Why You Need 5G + Fiber Together

5G and fiber-optic broadband are the two hottest high-speed internet technologies around. Over the next few years you’re going to hear a lot more about them as they become more widely available across the country. While it might sound like 5G and fiber are in competition, they’re really both

What Do I Need to Install Fiber-Optic Internet in My House?

Once you’ve made the decision to connect your services—from internet to TV to phone—via fiber-optic, you’ve done the hard work. Now it’s time to think about the installation. Here’s your guide on getting ready for your install. And having it done professionally by your provider is recommended. It’s much

How Will My Fiber Internet Perform in a Storm?

Of all the reasons you choose fiber—speed, using multiple devices at once, closely matching upload and download speeds—don’t overlook its reliability in storms. When your weather service is telling you that the big snowfall or a hurricane is on its way, with fiber you have a lot of built-in

What Will Fiber Do For My Streaming?

Officially cut your cable cord? Welcome to the world of streaming. You might think your biggest challenge is figuring out which show to binge next. But even more important: Can your internet service handle the bandwidth increase streaming demands, all at the speeds you need? Streaming a show on, say,

How To Get Started With Online Multiplayer Games

Over the last few years, online gaming has gone fully mainstream. Games like Fortnite are cultural juggernauts, top e-sport (that’s the professionally competitive side of gaming) prizes are in the tens of millions of dollars and more people play than ever before. If you’re looking to join the ranks,

What Is Fiber-Optic Internet?

Internet and technology companies have a well-earned reputation for throwing around fancy buzzwords that, when it comes down to it, mean very little for real people. Occasionally, though, something that sounds like it might just be the latest idea from the marketing department really delivers. This is the case

Top 5 Questions About Fiber Internet

Who doesn’t want fiber-optic internet if they can get it?You’re not alone. Statista reports that fiber adoption rates increased by 22% worldwide in 2019, while online searches for “fiber internet” have been steadily climbing since early 2020, according to Google Trends.You want that fiber-optic service, but you just have

Why Gamers Need Fiber-Optic Internet

Getting eliminated in Fortnite because someone gets the drop on you or reacts faster as you sprint around a corner is just a part of the game, but dying during the game because your internet connection isn’t good enough or drops out at the wrong time? That really hurts—and

Top 5 Ways to Enjoy Halloween Virtually

Halloween may look different in 2020, but that doesn’t mean it needs to be any less enjoyable. Sure, wearing a mask took on a new meaning this year, but when you plan a virtual Halloween with your family, kids can safely celebrate the holiday while wearing a mask better suited