Top 5 Ways to Enjoy Halloween Virtually

Halloween may look different in 2020, but that doesn’t mean it needs to be any less enjoyable. Sure, wearing a mask took on a new meaning this year, but when you plan a virtual Halloween with your family, kids can safely celebrate the holiday while wearing a mask better suited

Using Technology to Stay Connected with Loved Ones

Now, more than ever, we’re eager to find ways to stay in touch with loved ones. You can see the possibilities of a massive family call on screen. But you know the limitations of your less tech savvy family members. Under normal circumstances, you would sit with your grandparents or

Getting the Most from Your Gigabit Internet

The promise of gigabit internet is the promise of unlimited speed. It sounds exciting, with HD video that downloads in seconds and the ability to livestream anything back into the wild. With all that good news, let’s explore the best ways to help that promise come to life.The Journey Begins:

5 Reasons You Want Fiber Internet Service Right Now

You might be reading this because you’re one of the lucky ones who can choose whether to have fiber or traditional cable internet service. That doesn’t happen in every neighborhood.In your neighborhood, you’re probably hearing that fiber is the way of the future. It solves your issues with internet

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Career Online

Sure you can search for a new job online, but how do you beef up your skills for that new job?There are lots of great resources to amp up your skills, see what different fields are all about and even earn a certification or two. All from home. All

Can Somebody Tell Me What Mbps Means?

For your internet speed, this is like miles per hour.Your internet service provider offers speeds in megabits per second, which is abbreviated as Mbps. The speeds are the rate at which data travels between your home’s internet connection and your computer. You’ll experience these speeds in downloads and uploads.One

The Wonders of Gigabit Speed: How Will it Change My Life?

Everybody asks this question. How much speed do I really need? And it really does come down to doing the math. We have some formulas to help figure out if 1G is the speed your family needs to survive and thrive online.First of all, who needs Gigabit service? Gigabit