How To Upgrade Your Home Office With Smart Tech

Your home office may not be going away even when the pandemic comes to an end. A recent study from Stanford University found that 42% of the U.S. labor force is now working from home full-time. Many people have found that fitting out a home office is a lot

How To Get the Fastest Internet in a Home Office

Now that you've settled into working from home, you’ve probably made some changes, like an office chair that doesn’t send you to the chiropractor or lighting that makes you Zoom-fabulous (or at least Zoom-presentable).You also might need to think about the setup that gives you the fastest, most reliable

How To Create the Best Work From Home Playlist

Work from home (WFH) is now a reality for so many of us. Being your own office manager, IT support and custodial staff is exhausting. (Who left their dirty mug by the sink? Oh, right.)If you’re looking for something to pull you out of a home office funk, you

The Best Chrome Extensions for Working from Home

You've got everything right to work from home: a dedicated workspace, decent router, and noise-canceling headphones. Still, there are distractions like your emails, shopping sites, crazy hours. You know how it goes. Here's where some Chrome extensions can save you. If Chrome is your web browser of choice, get

5 Ways to Practice Self Care Using Your Tech

Our lives have felt not our own lately. We have changed just about everything we do and the way we do it. The old ways we had to stay focused, motivated, comfortable and even relaxed just might not be working anymore. So where do we go?We’ve put together some

Essential Technology for Distance Learning

When schools around the country closed this spring, parents everywhere quickly shifted to virtual learning. With most school districts starting with a virtual learning component this fall, it’s time to re-evaluate your home’s technology.These essential technology picks for elementary, middle, high schoolers and college students will help your child

Educational Resources from 5 of Your Favorite TV Channels

Time to find some new learning resources? Look to your TV. Networks are putting a lot of energy into amplifying their programming to keep kids’ minds active. Whether they’re devoted to history, science, travel or the arts, many channels are expanding their offerings with specially designed programs, interactive activities,

13 New Skills and Hobbies You Can Learn from Home Right Now

You can do so much more online than spend lost hours mindlessly scrolling through your social media feeds and shopping for socks. You can actually become quite inspired to learn new things and then find the ways to follow your passions and express yourself. There are so many great

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Career Online

Sure you can search for a new job online, but how do you beef up your skills for that new job?There are lots of great resources to amp up your skills, see what different fields are all about and even earn a certification or two. All from home. All